Every Sunday at 8pm Shady Pines Radio founders Callie & Brian play your music submissions on Nocturnal Submissions.

Originals only, 5 minutes or less, and it must be submitted directly by an actual creator of the song.
All genres are welcome! We love demos, deep cuts, and experimental recordings as much as polished material. Please do not send more than 1 song in a week, max 2 per month.
Please tip your songtenders by making a donation to Shady Pines Radio. Even small donations help immensely to keep this station afloat. When everyone who submits a song donates even $5 - $10 it helps so much in keeping SPR sustainable. Plus, you can win cool raffle prizes!
We consider all songs for airplay, and we play most of them! We’ll email you when it’s going to air.
Shady Pines Radio has over 100 weekly shows on our schedule, and Nocturnal Submissions isn’t the only one that plays local & independent music submissions.
Submit an mp3 file using the form below.
If you don't have your song in mp3 format, you can convert it here​.
Tip your songtender! Help us keep the "ON AIR" light on by donating a to Shady Pines Radio!
Even small donations make BIG difference.